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In today's digitalised world, news is typically generated, transmitted and perceived differently than just twenty years ago. While in the past traditional journalists were the only intermediaries, the advent of social media has seen the rise of opinion leaders, influencers and bloggers. To an increasing degree, companies are also communicating directly with their target groups. Everywhere, everyone is vying for attention. Trends, topics and issues must be primed for dissemination through a wide variety of channels. While in the past press releases were planned well in advance, speed and flexibility are paramount today: news and information is increasingly disseminated via videos and short messages.

It's not easy to get noticed and generate interest in this environment. Companies have to understand who their stakeholders are and what interests them, how the company is perceived and what is expected of it, and how it can engage with its stakeholders to manage and align these interests, opinions and expectations.

These are the challenges we tackle.


  • Analysing current business and competitive environment
  • Media monitoring (print, online, social media)
  • Developing targeted communications strategies
  • Scheduling interviews
  • Storytelling, identifying trends, research
  • Authoring articles and op-eds
  • Preparing and disseminating press releases


Maintaining close relationships with investors, analysts and financial media outlets is a key success factor for listed companies. However, subject matter knowledge, expectations and investment horizons often differ even within these targets groups. With the adoption of increasingly strict regulations such as MiFID II, smaller companies especially are finding it harder and harder to even be noticed by the right target groups. Therefore, suitable information and measures have to be tailored to the target groups and implemented at the right time.

By successfully and strategically positioning themselves in and by building lasting trust with the financial community, companies are able to secure their long-term capital needs at the most favourable conditions.

GFD Finanzkommunikation offers its clients the full range of investor relations services, from strategic planning, the preparation of any and all communication materials and the provision of back office functions for IR departments to the temporary assumption of all management functions related to communications.


  • Strategic advice on communications
  • Preparing all IR-related publications
  • Revising and refining your equity story
  • Roadshows and one-on-ones with analysts, media and investors
  • Planning and organising capital market days
  • Conducting perception studies
  • Preparing capital market events


Corporate publishing is no longer simply limited to conventional customer or employee magazines. Today, companies can choose from a wide range of digital platforms, from online magazines and social media to video statements. Companies looking to generate buzz with their messaging increasingly now have to rely on cross-media strategies.

Target groups have grown more diverse as the number of media channels has increased. It no longer suffices to produce content with one channel in mind and then apply it to another. For a message to hit its mark it now has to be tailored to its intended audience.

When prepared with a journalist's eye, corporate publishing offers real added value. GFD Finanzkommunikation offers the full range of corporate publishing services from identifying trends and copy editing to the graphic design of print and online media, providing clients everything they need from a single source.




  • Cross-media customer magazines
  • Employee/members' magazines (print and online)
  • Annual and sustainability reports
  • Corporate brochures
  • Newsletters
  • Podcasts and videos


Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria are gaining significance on the capital markets for two reasons in particular. On the one hand, demographic change is resulting in assets flowing increasingly to younger generations and to women: a clientele that holds ESG criteria in high regard, particularly when it comes to investing. On the other, financial market experts are also increasingly using ESG criteria to assess the risks of potential investments.

Furthermore, legislators have considerably expanded the legal requirements that apply to mandatory sustainability reports. For instance, the act implementing the CSR Directive in Germany sets out new reporting obligations, in particular for large, listed companies with more than 500 employees. This requires that companies place a greater focus in their reports on material non-financial aspects such as social and ecological issues, human rights and anti-corruption measures than had previously been the case.

This makes professional sustainability communications a must. At the same time, it's an opportunity for companies to set themselves apart from the competition.


  • CSRD Compliance Check
  • Developing a sustainability strategy
  • Disclosing long-term and sustainable value drivers
  • Preparing sustainability reports
  • Preparing communication strategies with sustainability in mind
  • Identifying issues and editorial reviews
  • Reviewing and revising IR documents to meet sustainability criteria

Legal Communications

The market entry and exit thresholds in the law firm market are very low. The market leader's share of turnover is 6 per cent. The market presence of law firms is similar - there are no unique selling points; (potential) clients and outsiders can hardly tell them apart. This is why external communication plays a major role in branding!

The target group of decision-makers (board members, supervisory board members, investors) generally consumes media via press reviews. Despite social media, business and specialised media enjoy an advantage of trust. Law firm communication should therefore be orientated towards these media with the following objectives:

  • to continuously increase awareness
  • to constantly improve reputation
  • recognise topics + trends at an early stage
  • recognising and containing crises in good time
  • Support HR with employer branding

We offer you customised service packages. Of course, we value long-term client relationships, but we can also support you with projects at short notice, e.g. in the event of staff shortages. We can also support you in challenging change processes such as a brand relaunch or a law firm merger - and if there is a fire, we will work with you to put it out: litigation PR, crisis and insolvency communication.


  • Positioning (in the workshop)
  • Development of communication strategies
  • Development of individual press distribution lists
  • Statements, press releases, guest contributions, interviews
  • Media training
  • External press office

Because communication demands creativity

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